The EPUB is here
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This article is several years old now, and much has happened since then, so please keep that in mind while reading it.

Well whaddayouknow - it's all over and this morning we woke up here in Denmark to a snow-covered landscape! How Christmas-y is that??
I know!! :-)
I'd like to thank the authors of this year's calendar for taking the time to jot down something wonderful for us all to read and discuss and most importanly: To remember when we sit half a year from now with a project that needs exactly this kind of widget/technique to make a difference for a client. That's where these articles really shine, because someone already wrote down the pros and cons, maybe even the bugs to work around, and how to get started.
And of course, like the previous years, we've pushed the Make EPUB button, so all the articles are collected into a single ebook. (And because I did such a lousy job of "painting" the cover myself last year, I made sure to ask my brother Niels to actually create one for this year's edition - thank you!) - so here it is, get the EPUB for your e-reader-device-thingies and dig in:
A special thanks to Jan for helping out with everything again this year - you rock :-)
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!