It's a Wrap
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This article is several years old now, and much has happened since then, so please keep that in mind while reading it.
And so this is Christmas ...
It really is – In Denmark anyways. We celebrate Christmas on the evening of dec. 24th – hence the 24 days.
So I thought it is time to wrap up the last 23 days.
Lets just be honest. I've learned a lot during these days. When I first kicked off this little project I never expected the level of feedback both me and the other contributors have received. So thank you everybody for being there, reading and commenting etc.
But I have also learned a lot from the other contributors. I have learned about the importance of backup. I have learned to undertand my camera preview. I know that the best camera is the one with me.
I know much more about colour space, and I have been introduced to the Gnarbox.
And then I have learned, that next year I need to get in touch with more photographers. More talent, insights, ideas, tips, hacks and photographs to be shared.
So, please, if you know someone who could be interested in reading this project or maybe even contribute to this, don't hesitate to share. It would be fantastic if we could get even more authors next year.
A Big Round of Applause
Now, this would not have been possible without the help of a couple of people, whom I'd like to take the time to properly thank:
- Chriztian Steinmeier for letting me "parasitize" on his calendar-eco-system
- Douglas Robar for his contribution and positive feedback
- Philipp Staudacher for his contribution and positive feedback
- Tue Wolff Madsen for his flow of articles, positive feedback, inspiration and amazingly huge technical insight.
- Sebastian Dammark for his contribution, inspiration and positive feedback
So THANK YOU everyone ... you made this possible.
And then I'd like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Hope to see you all again next year.